4 Fun Activities for Adults to Stay in Shape

4 Fun Activities for Adults to Stay in Shape

Staying in shape looks different as you get older, and your activities and interests may change over time. There are plenty of ways to get moving and protect your physical and mental health in your adult years.

Not only is it important to keep your body moving for the health benefits, but it can also provide you with new experiences that can enrich your life in many ways. Consider these 4 fun activities to help stay in shape:


Walking promotes strong muscles and good cardiovascular health. If you want to get in shape and aren’t sure where to start, try a simple walking routine by yourself or with a friend!

Going on a regular walk for 30 minutes — a few times a week or every day — can provide you with sufficient exercise, plenty of fresh air, and whatever beautiful scenery you like. You can walk around your neighborhood, go to the park, or stay inside and walk on a treadmill. Walking is a great way to get started and make your fitness routine work for you!


If you enjoy outdoor activities and are looking for a little adventure, consider canoeing. This is a wonderful way to stay active without too much strain on your body. You can take a day trip down a nearby river, or pack your tent and sleeping bag for an overnight excursion. Whether you invite your best friend or a family member to explore the great outdoors with you, or set off on your own, there are plenty of ways to make a memorable experience out of your physical activity.

If you plan to camp during your canoe trip, make sure you dress in weatherproof clothing and pack plenty of packaged snacks that won’t get wet on the river. You can also pack a single burner camping stove for a nice, hot meal to end a day’s work.


Speaking of the water, swimming is an excellent way to get your aerobic exercise in while putting minimal strain on your bones and joints. This is a great alternative to running or other more intensive exercises, and can be done solo or with a group. You can swim laps on your own, or join a water aerobics class with your peers.

Spending time in the water can be relaxing, while also providing a thorough workout. Contact your local rec center to learn more about swimming classes available in your area.


Another great way to keep your body in shape and maintain flexibility and agility is through strength training exercises like yoga. Focusing on strengthening your core and your main muscle groups can help keep you moving and active for years to come.

It’s never too early or too late to begin practicing yoga. You can join a group class, or find your own resources online. Not only will you get amazing physical health benefits, you’ll also be surprised at how much yoga can affect your mental health and stress levels.

Choosing a sport or hobby that works for you is the most important part of staying active in your adult years. Do some research on your own and find the activity that makes your mind and body feel great.